My daughter has turned one year old already. I am so excited and yet sad because I no longer have a baby. This year of year life has gone way too fast this year and I can not believe that it's been a year.
She was taken to Sears to have portraits done and we also took her to the store to buy her clothes that she needed.
My mother sent us a package with a few items for the kids and my daughter got many shoes that my niece no longer uses. Thank goodness for that because she really needed shoes.
On Friday she went to the pediatrician for her twelve month appointment which consisted of six shots (including the one for the flu) and blood work to make sure that she is not anemic and to make sure her hemoglobin is good.
All in all we had a g reat week full of cake, birthdays, photos, and great friends coming over to hang out, eat, and have a great time.
Unitl next time~