Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Finally Here

Ok so we made it to Hawaii, almost about a month ago or so. Im sorry that I haven't been on here for awhile but I have been busy with my children and getting used to the life alone. The plane ride here was not too bad. I was amazed at the way that my son behaved, I was definetly prepared for the worst but it turned out that it wasn't bad at all so go me! :-)
Arriving here in Hawaii brought some memories of living back home. It took me a good minute to realize that I was in Hawaii and it was funny seeing me in an airport alone pushing a double stroller with a baby in the back and a toddler car seat laying in the front along my two year old saying "wow mommy look at that"...I gotta say that was fun seeing him excited. Anyways after that we finally made it to Baggage Claim and there he was....the love of my life...standing around waiting to spot us, he did eventually after I spotted him first but hey what can I say it happens right.
Overall everything was smooth after that. We got to check in at the Inn here on post, which I am dyyyyyiiiiiing to get out of. I miss cooking my Puerto Rican food every day and being in a place that I can actually call "my home"
I have moments that I miss my family, then again I don't think it hasn't hit me yet because since we were told that we were coming to Hawaii I have not shed a single tear of sadness about leaving the family. I hope that dosen't make me look like a bad daughter.
The humidity this week has been killing my hair. I wish I knew we were coming here before I decided to cut it, but oh well. So there it is.....Im here, so far I love it. I am happy that my family is together and complete (for now) and I am happy that my kids are happy. Until next time.....Salud!
