Saturday, January 5, 2013

WOW! So much to say!

So I know that it has been a long time since I did an entry. A lot has happened since my last post.
My son's surgery went very well. I couldn't be more happy about the choice we made for him. It has definetly cut back on my son taking medication all the time he was sick. My son turned 4 years old right after this surgery.
After the surgery went through and easter came along, I got an opportunity to work for Oceanic Time Warner Cable as a customer care representative. I have been blessed to be working and also busy with handling job, parenting, and full time job all at one time. I am thankful that I found a wonderful person to watch my kids while I am able to go to work and that I have made a great friendship with.
After the summer we did get some sad news that one of my kids' great grandmother had passed away. We had to take an emergency leave to go to the funeral and got an opportunity to see our other relatives and shows our kids our culture and show them around w
here we were born and grew up.
After this my mom was able to come visit us in Hawaii for the very first time. It was very exciting because I was glad that my mom had the opportunity to come out and see her babies, whom she misses every day. During her trip my daughter turned 2 and I turned 25.
I did get a chance to cook my first turkey in 2012 all alone with no family to help and my husband and friends loved it. After that later that night we went Christmas shopping during black Friday, which was exhausting but at the same time it was fun.
The holidays were good. We got a chance to attend a marriage retreat and my husband was finally promoted. I was very proud of my husband,especially when I placed his rank on his chest. Definetly a proud military spouse moment.
The kids really had a good Christmas. I finally got the purse that I wanted and was able to spend it safely with my family.
2012 did bring a lot of blessings and sadness to our lives but we are hoping for a fun-filled and loving 2013 full of blessings and joy.
We are going to be PCSing next year so hopefully we get a good choice and a place where we can also have fun and see the family more.
